Step One

Use product names. Name of a product is used as the first reference during the selection of Evergreen Herb™ products. Match your main concern to the product name. For example, Energy-Support II means that this product helps you fight chronic tiredness.

Step Two

How to select F2

Use the indications directly listed under the product name, which is also shown on the web page of each product description. These are used as the second reference for the selection of suitable products. For example, the indication listed under the name of Energy-Support II says it restores vitality and helps with dry skin/lips/eyes/hair, restlessness, chronic tiredness, low tolerance to heat etc.

Step Three

How to select F3

Read the indications listed on the other side of the product package carton “associated with two or more of following: …” which is also shown on the web page of each product description. This is particularly useful when you want extra information to ensure that the product is suitable to help with your concerns. For example, the seven conditions listed here may further match with your health concerns.

Please note: It is not necessary to match all the indications listed during the selection of the herbal products. Select the product that is the closest to your conditions.

Step Four

To select a product from a set of closely related products, compare the indications listed both under the product name and on the other side of the product package carton, especially the latter tell two different groups of associated conditions. For example, Energy-Support I and II are all for chronic tiredness. Energy-Support I is more suitable for those who have a tendency of low confidence and/or low tolerance to coldness, while Energy-Support II is more suitable for those who have a tendency of restlessness/overconfidence and/or low tolerance to heat. Moreover, the group of associated conditions further ensures whether Energy-Support I or II will be the closest to your situations.